Thursday, October 11, 2007

Aspatame can make your hungry

Here is a doctor who says that aspartame makes you hungry. Eat a chemical that has less calories to help you lose weight. It makes you eat more. Mix it with MSG which also makes you eat more, and makes the food taste better and you get a society full of disease and wonder why people can't lose weight. So, suppose that we blame the disease on the weight gain.

Think about it. You eat MSG and aspartame, you eat more you gain more weight, now you have problems with your body and it is blamed on being over weight.

You eat aspartame it makes you hungry, so the food you eat to make you skinny, makes you eat more. Society says your illness is because of your weight, so you eat more aspartame and MSG and you gain more weight.

Still, it's your fault for not having good willpower? Then you get glaucoma from the MSG and they give you a a glutamate blocker which blocks the affect of the MSG and your glaucoma gets better.

Someone is making a lot of Money. MSG minus MSG makes you feel better, then you eat it again and take the drug again.

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